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Guide for Authors
(Kataliz v Promyshlennosti)
Look more about the Journal at http://www.springer.com/chemistry/journal/12604
Read Current Issue at http://springerlink.com/content/121321/
ISSN PRINT: 2070-0504
ISSN ONLINE: 2070-0555
Guide for Authors
Authors are responsible for reliability of the information, accuracy in citing the references, and for using the data not subject to public disclosure.
The attached License Contract (2 copies filled out and signed by each author) is mailed by post to the Editorial Office (Russia, 119034 Moscow, P.O. BOX 48, for ZAO KALVIS).
The article is sent in electronic form to the e-mail address ctls@kalvis.ru
English version of the Journal will be published by Springer.
Article type: laboratory research, pilot-scale research, commercial operation experience, working to improve methods of analysis and preparation of catalysts, analytical review, historical overview, biographical note, announcement of events, etc. If you are not sure if the material has interest for the journal, you can always send a text to a preliminary introduction and approval.
The article is divided into parts:
i. Questionnaire with answers to the questions:
1) the practical importance of the work and the prospects for industrial use;
2) the novelty of the work compared to existing domestic (foreign) base analogue in the process technology, creating a new or improving existing catalysts (improving quality and efficiency of the catalyst, reducing the cost and etc.), design of catalytic reactors;
3) an overview of the catalysts presented in the article (composition, the manufacturer).
ii. The abstract should reflect the basic purpose, originality, relevance of the work, specific information about the object of study, conditions, and research methods, results and comparison with analogous, practical recommendations for the industry. Identifies specific data with exact values.
iii. Text articles - The article begins with a title that reflects the decision of the practical problem of the present work. The introduction contains a description of the existing problems in the industry, the purpose of work, the problem, rationale for choice of research methods. The experimental part describes the experimental technique, chemical composition and method of preparation of test specimens, including a comparison with the most effective industrial counterparts, test conditions, a description of the parameters and criteria selected for evaluating the effectiveness of the task. Discussion of the results. Conclusion (short) or numbered findings should be consistent with the abstract (not repeating it word for word), the contents of the article and reflect the complete solution of the problem, as well as provide practical advice (for industrial use, to conduct further research to create technology, installation, development prospects work).
iv. References include sources containing materials used by the author, and is made according to example:
1. Y. Zhu, R. Tan, J. Feng, S. Ji, L. Cao. // Appl. Catal. A 209 (2001) p.71
References in the text are given in brackets: [1] or [2-6]. The numbering of the sources shall comply with the order of links in the text. It is unacceptable to refer to unpublished works, as well as to the older literature then 1985.
i. ABSTRACT of the article is submitted to the main body volume of approximately 0.5 page, or 15 lines of 1.5 spacing (4-8 sentences).
ii. KEYWORDS attached to the abstract in English.
iii. TEXT OF ARTICLE volume approximately 15 pages (can be from 10 to 20 pages, but the actual size of the paper is determined by the significance of the material), A4 format, including figures, tables, etc., typed font Times New Roman (14 pt) spacing 1.5 provided by electronic media (or e-mail). Text format is Word. The article begins with the title under which the initials and surnames of the authors and the full name of the organization(s) where you are working. It is advisable to use the International System of Units (SI). The formulas typed in the formula editor Word, and the marks should be carefully checked by the author, who is solely responsible for them. Tables should have a theme title and numbered consecutively.
iv. REFERENCES in the text are given in brackets: [1] or [2-6]. The numbering of the sources shall comply with the order of links in the text. Unacceptable references to unpublished works, as well as over 1980 sources
v. ILLUSTRATIONS (drawings, photographs, graphics) as separate files - TIF, JPEG (300 dpi). Allowed to provide illustrations and captions in Word format in one single file.
vi. INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS (last name, first name in full, scientific degree, position, organization, telephone number, e-mail).
vii. Questionnaire is attached to the article as a separate file.
viii. The foreign author should provide the Annotation (summary of the article on 2 pages), which will be presented in Russian. The author can provide the annotation in English or Russian. For annotations the conclusions of the article can be used to show the solution of the problem and the prospect of using the results.